Thursday, December 16, 2010


There are not enough bibs in the world to sop up the drool that exits my daughter's mouth. I swear she has to drink all of that formula just to replenish the fluids lost from her gob. The teeth are coming in! Right now she has the 2 front bottoms in, so Quinn resembles a drunken hillbilly who loves jumping and chewing on stuffed animals. Let this be a lesson to your little ones, when wishing to Santa for your two front teeth, be specific. The inverted beaver has decided that by no means will her saliva stay in her mouth and her parents cannot find the shutoff valve.

I suddenly picture her at several points in her life with this problem. Her trying to skip rope at twelve. The spit hitting the rope and spraying all over the place. I look out the window and see her wrapped in a cocoon of dribble and cord. A sweet sixteen party with her drooling all over the cake as everyone looks on in horror, while passing on the spittle covered dessert. A bib covered wedding dress. No head banging to metal. I do hope she retires this habit.

Heather believes that rice mix tastes delicious. I believe it tastes like cardboard. Heather believes that hint of vanilla is yummy. I believe that somebody wiped the cardboard with a dirty vanilla soaked rag. We have entered into the realm of solids. Well not really. We have entered into the realm of porridge like soft resemblances of solids. Soon, our little bundle of joy will be starting her journey down flavour alley. Oddly enough it seems that you have to get through the disgusting before you hit the divine. Why doesn't baby food come in BK Whopper w/ cheese? Keg steak and potato? No you have to wrap your lips around squash and peas. Blah! I say puree the bacon. Mash the hotcakes and sausage.

We have replaced a couple of things over the last couple of months. The screaming hungry has been switched with the always smiling belly laugh. The needy baby has been swapped with the independent jumperoo loving child. Little dinosaur roars have been substituted with full on blurts of excitement. We had a change of direction with sleeping. It went from never to most of the night. We have shifted to 9 month sleepers. We have traded up to size 3 diapers (more input, more output). Lots of changes. Lots of fun.

Merry christmas from the slurper, the burper, and the chirper.